In celebration for the upcoming holidays, Wadsworth High School’s students have had the opportunity to decorate their Academic Lab classroom doors. Participating classrooms must have had their door decorated by Dec. 16 to be judged.
The requirements for the door were visual impact, craftsmanship, completeness, class involvement and originality.

Mrs. Harig, the Yearbook teacher, won the door competition. Her class did a Charlie Brown’s Christmas themed door.
“We wanted to do something that included the principals,” Harig said , “We were watching Charlie Brown’s Christmas, and the ideas just spiraled from there.”
The door featured an assortment of paper cutouts and drawings that reflected the film, including each of the judges in the style of the Peanuts movie, which captured the Christmas spirit.
The goal of the door was to advertise the yearbook while also making a creative and festive display.
Hailey Otradovec, a junior in Harig’s academic lab, was one of the students who helped construct the design of the door.
“Basically, Mrs. Harig and the yearbook staff brainstormed ideas and we all collectively agreed that we wanted to do a snoopy themed door advertising the WHS yearbook,” Otradovec said.
It took about two weeks for the final product to come through, but when it was finished, Harig and the students in her academic lab were happy with the result.
“I was happy I could be a part of the project and it made the yearbook staff really happy when we won the award,” Ortadovec said.
The class won a golden nutcracker statue as their prize, signifying that they had the best and most uniquely well-crafted door, according to the judges.