From NBA Championships to World Series games, as of late, Ohio has been overloaded with success. Because of the abundant amount of joy and celebration being permeated, local businesses have been exploding with customers. The community has been rallying at local restaurants such as Tailgaters and Applebee’s, where normally, they have not had a vast amount of business in the past.
Did the wins and urge to celebrate cause this sort of movement towards these ‘sports bars’? Restaurants are not the only thing being overloaded with people, though. After the Cavs won the finals against the record breaking team, the Golden State Warriors, clothing stores like Dick’s Sporting Goods and Dunham’s re-opened to sell the merchandise for the winning team,in result, making thousands of dollars.

Just when people thought businesses could not get any busier, the Indians made their appearance in the World Series.
“This is a place where you can watch the game with other people, as well has having a nice meal,” a manager from Tailgators stated.
Tailgators is a sports pub that is almost designed for watching Cleveland sports. Ever since the Championship dub and the World Series appearance, the pub has been packed with die hard Cleveland fans hoping for another heroic victory to take home the ship.
Let’s just hope and pray for more wins and more causes for celebrations because maybe one day, Buffalo Wild Wings will open up in Wadsworth, making for an even better place to celebrate and enjoy Cleveland sports.