Twice a year The American Red Cross comes to our school for the blood drive. The blood drive is hosted by National Honor Society. NHS students help set up and tear down the drive. The students also comfort people who are donating blood.
According to the American Red Cross, you must weigh at least 110 pounds to give blood and must be at least 5’5 if you are a girl and 5’1 if you are a boy, due to safety reasons.
Lindsey Leathermen was unable to give blood due to her size and it made her upset because she wanted to help.

“Yes because I know that I have something that could help save people’s lives yet I am not allowed to give,” said Lindsey Leathermen, 12.
When you give blood, the Red Cross workers usually take one pint out of you, which can save up to three lives. If you are over 150 pounds and are above 5’5 you meet the standards to give double blood.
“I wanted to give blood because I did not only want to save lives but it’s a rewarding act that makes you feel good about yourself. It was also really nerve racking but I knew that it was for a good cause but I was still nervous. ” said Ellie Nicholas, 11, who was a first time donor this year.
The Red Cross is accepting blood all year so you can donate when it is convenient for you. If you do not want to give blood then you can help out with the behind the scenes stuff as well.
This is one of the biggest events that NHS helps host. Our school has many kids that donate so they will continue to host blood drives at Wadsworth High School.