Wadsworth High School invited the senior class to their very first job fair on March 30, 2017.
At this event, students were given the opportunity to explore their interests at a variety of business oriented tables, and those who took the opportunity seriously were able to consider possible careers that they can pursue after graduating in May.
“I just hope that the students were able to take away a lesson of there being many things out there for them to do. They’re being presented with part-time job opportunities and training that would help to encourage a business of any kind,” said the two representatives from Big Ohio, a business-telephone systems company based in Wadsworth.
Most students in the engineering program and those who plan on going into the workforce right after high school found this event helpful. Eric Wysachi (12), felt that the experience provided a great opportunity for students coming out of high school and when applying to future jobs, these opportunities taken would look great on their resume.

Despite the school’s intentions, some students felt very limited on what was available to them and that it did not help them focus on what they were looking for in their futures.
“For students leaving for college, like me, the fair wasn’t too helpful. I feel it should be continued, but the jobs offered at the fair should be expanded to more choices and a variety,” said Emma Stedman when discussing her experience. “There should be an extension on location, extending outside of Wadsworth’s bubble.”
Overall, students were able to learn something new and the school’s goal of exposing seniors to a broad field of career options was very successful.