Ski Club is full of enjoyment for many. Students in grades 7 through 12 meet every Tuesday after school in January to take a trip up to Boston Mills/Brandywine Ski Resort. Students have the chance to improve on their skills while being surrounded by friends. Mrs. Freno, the ski advisor, is the mom of one of our seniors, Natalie Freno. With only a 30 minute drive up, it is a great place that Ski Club has easy access to.
“It’s a good way to escape your problems and get away from the stress of school,” said Ryan Larj, 11, an avid snowboarder.

The club supplies a chance to learn how to ski or snowboard in an hour group lesson each week. Boston Mills/Brandywine has equipment rentals available to those who need them. They have a variety of slopes based on difficulty, that way beginners are comfortable.
There is a smaller park for beginners and a park for more experienced skiers/snowboarders who are able to grind and hit jumps.
A few high school students engaged in skiing and snowboarding work up at Boston Mills/Brandywine Ski Resort, including juniors Ryan Larj, Ben Huskins, Derek Kraft, and Matthias Gruich, sophomore Sam Eggleton, as well as senior Sarah Roe.
“I’ve been skiing since I was four or five years old, and I love it. My friends are in it and it makes the time fun. Even if you have never skied before, lessons are provided,” said Maddie Aberth, 11.
Register next December and become a member. There is only a limited amount of 50 students, so pay attention to the announcements.