On May 9, students from Wadsworth High School headed to the Special Olympics at Brunswick High School to enjoy a day of activities, events, team building, and fun.
“We basically just had running and throwing events along with a few kids that did a relay race,” said Ms. Osting, an intervention specialist at WHS.

“They have a softball throw, a standing jump, and a wheelchair race.”
Every one of the students were awarded a ribbon and each school gets a trophy for participation in the event.
“There were well over 200, even 300, kids this year,” said Osting.
Every year more students from the area come and gather for the events.
“I tell them the date in February and they can’t wait for it, they just chant ‘May 9th! May 9th!’” said Osting.
This year is the first year peer mentors were allowed to come help assist the students, by helping with wheelchairs and guiding them throughout the day.
“They really enjoyed having peer mentors so that is definitely something I’ll try to have in the following years.” Osting finished.
After the Olympics, the students came back and participated in a clap in organized by the high school. The clap in was a great way to end the day and show the schools support for the kids in the program.