Wadsworth City Schools will be bringing back its annual Musical Theatre Camp for students from June 11 to 14. The camp will be held at Wadsworth High School from 9 to 12 A.M.
The camp offers exposure to different components of musical theater to first through seventh graders. Throughout the camp, students will visit different stations to learn different things about dialogue, acting, dancing, and singing.

“We bring in a professional choreographer, so he teaches the kids a musical theater number, the dancing part, and runs the vocals’ ‘ said Kalyn Davis, the choir director at Wadsworth High School.
The students learn a song with Mrs. Davis and then a dance to go along with it, with the choreographer. Later on, the students will be able to perform for their parents at the end of the camp to show off what they have learned.
“When they perform for their parents at the end they are pretty proud of themselves,” Davis said.
The other stations are spent learning dialogue and doing crafts with Mrs.Csaky and Mrs. Lake.
“We pick out a song and then we take dialogue from a script so they have a little bit of dialogue,” Davis said.
The crafts and the dialogue have a theme of different musicals. Last year they used the dialogue from The Lion King and had a craft that went along with the musical.
“They had a really good time, we sold out so fast last year,” Davis said.
The camp provides a peek into what it’s like working on a musical and the different aspects that go into it.
“I think it’s good for us to be teaching younger kids musical theater, it’s good to get them into the program early,” said Eli Winkfield, a member of Rhythm in Red for the high school choir.
To sign up, visit bit.ly/wadsmtc. Students will receive a T-shirt, snacks, and a performance on the final day of the camp.