Students at WHS have recently become obsessed with new gaming apps on their phones. Everything from “Wood Nuts and Bolts” to “Monopoly Go!” has students addicted.
The “I Want Watermelon” game has recently made every student fixated. Peyton Looper, a senior at Wadsworth High School, has been playing the game since October and plays every day.

“It’s simple and fun,” Looper said. “You don’t have to think too much and it gets really addicting.”“I Want Watermelon” is a game where the players have to match certain fruits to each other to get to the watermelon. Things like two grapes will equal a strawberry, two strawberries make a lime, and so on.“Sometimes puzzle games and stuff like that get annoying and repetitive, but it’s hard to get bored with the Watermelon game,” Looper said.

The next game that seems to have students obsessed is “Wood Nuts & Bolts”. The goal of this game is to move the nuts and the bolts around to get the wooden boxes to drop to the bottom. “It’s super interactive and I’m able to do it for a long period of time,” said Claire Walker, a sophomore at WHS.Walker expressed that even though she plays both of the games, “Wood Nuts & Bolts” is much easier to play and she does not have to think as much. She feels that “I Want Watermelon” uses a lot more thinking and planning when games are supposed to be fun and easy.
“It’s super easy, if you mess up you can just restart, unlike the watermelon game where if you mess up you can’t start over,” Walker said.
“Monopoly Go!” is the perfect example of an old nostalgic board game making a comeback. “Monopoly Go!” is the mobile version of the original board game “Monopoly.” Players of the game can roll the dice and purchase properties to move up to different levels.
“It’s very easy to play due to the game doing most of the work for you, but leaving the important decisions up to you,” said Brady Anderson, a sophomore at WHS.
Anderson loves that he can steal and attack other people’s buildings and businesses to get farther in the game. “It leads to a competitive building game that is very entertaining,” Anderson said.
Anderson was introduced to the game by a friend and has been playing it ever since.
Students enjoy a variety of mobile games that are easy to play. However, “I Wanter Watermelon”, “Wood Nuts & Bolts”, and “Monopoly Go” appear to be the most enjoyed by students at WHS.