Cast of Fiddler on the Roof prepares for opening night

The Off Broadstreet Players in Fiddler on the Roof continue to prepare for their opening night. The musical will be performed March 23-25 at 7:00 PM in the PAC.

Mrs. Pam Csaky and Mrs. Kalyn Davis are directors for the production, each having their own role. Csaky, an English teacher at Wadsworth High School, focuses on blocking, sets, and the technical aspects. Davis, a WHS choir teacher, works with the cast in music and choreography.

The first day of rehearsal, January 9, the cast began by reading through the script as a group. Throughout the next few weeks the cast begins to block, learn dances and music, and start working with the set.

“Blocking is basically when the directors give us positions on how to move and where to move on stage,” said Jasmine Krug, junior at WHS.

A lot of unseen work also goes on behind the stage. The cast plays a major part in either gathering or building their own sets.

“We have to make some props and make sure everything’s painted and built,” said Grace Maslyk, senior at WHS. “That takes a lot of time because we don’t have a crew that does it for us.” 

Additionally, the spring musical usually involves a pit band. Members from the high school’s band act as an orchestra that accompany the performers during the show. 

Each year the directors chose either the fall or spring musical to be judged for the Dazzle Awards. Typically the spring musical is chosen to include the pit band.  

“I’m most looking forward to the Dazzles, the judges are coming on Friday night and if we get nominated we get to perform on the Dazzle stage at Playhouse Square,” Maslyk said.

A total of 32 schools compete against each other for the title of Best Musical. Regardless of the outcome, the directors will be able to send two of the cast members to perform and compete for awards such as Best Actor and Actress. However, if Wadsworth is one of the six nominees, they get to perform at the State Theater at Playhouse Square.

While the cast enjoys the experience of performing for an even bigger audience, Csaky states that the real reason they put these shows on is for Wadsworth.

“We don’t put on our shows to win awards, we put it on for our community, ourselves, our students, and our school,” Csaky said.

Csaky appreciates the immeasurable amount of work put in by students throughout the year to bring these musicals and plays to life.

“I’m just really proud of what we at Wadsworth can put on the stage,” Csaky said. “As a department we do six full shows a year; that’s unheard of in most districts that aren’t a fine arts school.”

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