During finals week, students get pushed to the limit with study guides and cheat sheets. Students are expected to study, complete study guides, and create cheat sheets to use on their finals test. If students do this for seven classes, eventually that makes up seven classes to study for, seven study guides to fill out, and seven cheat sheets to create all in five days.
What does this much homework create during finals week? Stress. Stress is a huge factor that comes into play with teens during finals week. Stress can make life seem a lot more hectic than it actually needs to be.
“Finals week is the main reason why I am stressed,” said Victoria Uhase, 10.
School work can become a huge factor that can come into play during finals week. Stress is primarily a physical response. When stressed the body starts to fight against itself. This can result in loss of sleep, nausea in stomach, biting nails, and can affect the respiratory system, making it harder to breathe.
During finals week, those who are stressed may feel they need to stay up late studying to finish their study guides, or cheat sheets.
“School makes me so stressed that I will fall asleep before I can even finish studying,” said Nicole Quinn, 12.
When students are stressed it affects their brain. Certain stress hormones like cortisol, can damage branches at the end of the nerves in the neural connections of a teenagers brain. This change in the brain structure can create blanks in the brain. Resulting in short term memory loss.
Finals week creates stress and a hectic week for students. It can diminish their brain development and how well they test. Stress during finals week is an exhausting time for teenagers.