Students and at Wadsworth High School are required to wear masks at all times to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. These signs along with teachers help enforce this rule. PHOTO BY LIZ GROMOFSKY

Walking on the correct side of the hall helps limit the amount of contact students have with each other every day. These are posted above the doorways in the main hallway of the high school. PHOTO BY LIZ GROMOFSKY

Students are required and encouraged to socially distance themselves from others in the hallways, at lunch, and in the classroom. Desks are 3 feet apart in the classrooms, and at lunch students are limited to 3 people per table, spread apart. PHOTO BY LIZ GROMOFSKY

Pop up sanitizer stations are sporadically spread throughout the cafeteria and hallways, accessible for all students and staff at any time. These Purell stations are new additions to the school this year. PHOTO BY LIZ GROMOFSKY

The 2500 and 1500 hallway bathrooms are closed in an effort to limit contact between students in the bathroom, and the number of students in the bathroom at once. Restrooms are only open in the 2400 and 1400 hallways, as well as the lunchroom and senior commons bathrooms. PHOTO BY LIZ GROMOFSKY

Students are required to wear masks while working in the classroom. This helps protect students and staff from the spread of COVID-19.PHOTO BY LIZ GROMOFSKY

During study hall, students are spread out more than normal among the lunch tables. They are required to sit on X’s that are on the benches that enforce social distancing. PHOTO BY LIZ GROMOFSKY

Students in Mrs. Smiths class are seated with desks empty between each student. This helps keep students as far apart as possible, which keeps students safe. PHOTO BY LIZ GROMOFSKY