Whether it be running to the grocery store or picking up food, these easy masks will provide protection for those who have to leave their house during the COVID-19 pandemic. No sewing machine is required, just a few items from around the house.
Option One: T-shirt Mask
Materials needed include an old t-shirt, fabric scissors and the following pattern, available below.

Step One: Fold t-shirt in half, matching end to end.
Step Two: Place the straight edge of the pattern along the fold of the t-shirt. Cut out the pattern, cutting through all four layers of the shirt. Remember to cut out the middle for the earloops.
Step Three: Unfold the two layers. At this point, additional layers like a paper towel or coffee filter can be added between the two layers of the shirt. Another option is to dot fabric glue between layers to hold the mask better, but it is not necessary.
Step Four: Put mask on over ears. Tuck any fabric that hits below the eyes in so that the mask hits right on or below the bridge of the nose. Then, to make the mask tight and secure, twist the earloop inwards towards the face and put back on the ear.
Option Two: The Bandana Mask
The two materials needed for this mask are a bandana and two ponytails or rubber bands.

Step One: Fold the bottom of the bandana to the midline. Then, fold the top of the bandana to the midline so that the two halves meet. Repeat this step once.

Step Two: Place one ponytail holder over each hand of the bandana, approximately four inches from the end.

Step Three: Fold the outside ends over the ponytail towards the center.