The Joe Biden rally was very inclusive of local politicians from Iowa. Biden was excited about his upcoming opportunities and strongly encouraged Iowa residents to caucus for him tomorrow night.
Taking place in a local middle school, the gym was packed full of supporters. The back wall of the gym was overflowing with camera men broadcasting the rally. Around the gym there were multiple TVs where they showed campaign videos for supporters to see more of Biden.
This rally began by reciting the pledge of allegiance, being the first of all the events to do this that the Wadsworth students have seen.
Many students were looking forward to seeing what Biden had to say.
This specific rally chose to go in a different direction as opposed to Pete and Bernie who emphasized national movements. Biden had many special guests from local Iowa politics. Abby Finkenauer and Cindy Anxe, both Iowa Congresswomen, spoke in honor of Biden.
This approach seemed to localize their campaign for those attending the caucus on Monday the 3rd. They consistently encouraged voters to get family and friends involved with the caucus to benefit Biden.
Congressman Cedric Richmond spoke shortly before introducing congresswomen Anxe and Finkenauer. Both who endorsed Biden and his policies, elaborating on the GOP effects on the Senate.
“There are so many people who worked their tails off in 2018 to flip these seats blue,” said Congresswomen Abby Finkenauer. “People have decided to support the next president of the United States, Joe Biden because he is a good man. He finally gave me something I didn’t know I was missing, hope. I remember, as every Iowan does, the night in 2016. See we did not just lose the white house, we also lost our state senate and the GOP took complete control of our state.”
Once Biden came onto stage he focused on the decisions of other candidates.
“I refuse to believe that we are a country that thinks it is okay to flat out lie to the American people,” said Biden. “And I refuse to believe that we are a nation that bows down to Vladimir Putin, because I will not.”
Some protesters called out to Biden in an attempt at getting him to talk about his policies.
“I am not going to attack another democrat for things that are not true,” said Biden in response to a protester bringing up fossil fuel issues.
“I wish he talked a little bit more about policy,” said Laura Brown, a generation Z voter. “I think it got boring with the same ideas from each speaker.”
Other students felt compelled towards his speech.
“I was interested in what he had to say,” said Lili Ryan, first time voters in the presidential election. “He had great speakers and did a good job of exciting the crowd.”
After Biden’s speech, crowds of people attempted to talk to him and his surrogates. Similar to other campaigns this gave supporters a chance for pictures and hand shakes.
As others were meeting Biden, some staff members got the chance to talk to U.S. Representative Tim Ryan.
“Ohio needs to keep focused on the jobs of the future, education, artificial intelligence, and research to get ourselves prepared for these jobs,” said Ryan. “Biden has a plan for all of this.”
The campaign included many passionate officials who had strong predictions of what Biden will be capable of.
“We need you to get out tomorrow and causes for us,” said Anxe “Let them know how important it is that Joe Biden is number one coming out of Iowa.”
Biden and his campaign were very enthusiastic about caucusing tomorrow. He talked down the mistakes of those before him and proposed ways to challenge his competition. Biden strongly attacked controversial topics and brought forward new ideas to alter leadership.