Recently, Wadsworth High School has been undergoing some minor renovations, but not for the integrity of the building, and instead for the integrity of student life.
Throughout the hallways, large photos are being plastered onto the top of the walls showing off some of the life within the school. Photos of the swim team at tournaments, students eating lunch with their friends and many other things are catching the attention of students as they walk to and from their classes, and it is all a part of the administration’s plans to create a more beautiful school.
While beautification of the school is a priority of the administration, so is creating an identity.
“The goal is to make it so that when students walk down the halls, they know that this is Wadsworth High School,” said Principal Moore. “We can go out and take pictures, but then [the pictures] tend to be all about athletics or band, but we want student life, because we do so much outside of school, too.”
However, when it comes to creating an identity, one of the most important parts is involving those that the identity is created for. For the school’s goals to be reached, students must bring themselves into the project.
“Just send me photos,” said Moore. “Photos of Junior Banquet, of Prom–even photos of students working on community service hours or their own jobs. The more students that send photos, the stronger [our identity] can become.”
While the posters are currently only throughout the 2300, 2400 and 2500 hallways, Moore and other administrators hope to expand the beautification beyond the corridors of the hallways. They want to plaster posters around the gym and the commons as well.
But, just like our school, identities always change.
“In the future, when we have photos of students that are no longer here, that is when it is time to take some of the posters down and replace them with new ones,” said Moore.
While the posters are the main focus of the beautification project currently, Moore wants to expand beyond photos; as far as going to putting up works of art from the high school’s art students.
“My greatest hope is that when students see what is going on, they will want to get involved in it,” said Moore. “What we need is the material, and that comes from our students.”
While Moore is starting from grass roots, in the future he hopes that students will take leadership of beautifying the school with groups like student council and Interact Club taking action on what he is starting now.
“There is a master plan, but it is in my mind,” said Moore. “Just like Mr. Sieber with the televisions in the hallways, it is all about giving personality to our school.”
“The thing I would love the most [down the road] is that students will come in and say, ‘We should do this,’ or, ‘I think this would be a great idea,’” said Moore. “Wadsworth is about the students, their identity is ours.”

In the 2300, 2400 and 2500 hallways, posters are plastered on the walls above the lockers giving students a glimpse of the things that are to come. Photo by Richie Dietrich