The Athletic Director, Brad Musgrave, is retiring from his position for the 2024-2025 school year.
Musgrave has been the athletic director for 11 years in Wadsworth, but he was an athletic director for other schools. He was also a teacher, coach, and assistant athletic director before.
“It’s a huge job, it’s the most involved thing I’ve done in my life and I’ve done it for a long time so it’s time for somebody younger to do it,” Musgrave said.
The athletic director holds the position of overseeing virtually every aspect of the athletic programs for Wadsworth High School and much of

Wadsworth Middle School.
“In general terms, what we are looking for is people that relate well with students, staff, and community based on the position,” said Steve Moore, Assistant Superintendent at Wadsworth City Schools.
As the athletic director, there are many responsibilities the director needs to handle. The job title needs someone who can work many hours, someone who is a good leader with good communication, and somebody who has good organizational skills.
“We get anywhere from 30 to 70 applicants, it depends on the position, with the Athletic Director we got about 50,” Moore said. “We have not experienced that shortage where nobody is interested in working in the school districts.”
The ideal time for the position of Athletic Director was to be filled in mid-April. The Board Meetings are good target dates to have positions filled, the last meeting was on April 8.
“I’ve really loved it here at Wadsworth,” Musgrave said. “It has been a great experience and I will miss the wonderful people here.”

The new Athletic Director for the 2024-2025 school year has been decided to be Tim Campbell.
Michele Evans, Wadsworth’s Director of Instruction, has also announced her retirement.
Evans’ has worked in education for 36 years. Evans has been the Director of Instruction for ten years at Wadsworth but she has worked at four other districts beforehand. She worked as a principal, and superintendent, and held other director positions before coming to Wadsworth as the Director of Instruction.
When Evans retires from her position as a director, she will continue working at Akron University.
“I have met a lot of nice students and it has been fun to see them grow over the ten years I’ve been working here,” Evans said. “I look at how we have mentored teachers to become principals and it’s fun to see the teachers I’ve encouraged to take leadership positions get to those positions.”
The position was posted internally and it was announced that the role will be filled by Eric Jackson. Jackson is currently working as the principal of Wadsworth Middle School.