When it was announced last year that Coach Mike Moser was retiring after his five years of coaching Wadsworth High School Boys varsity basketball, DJ Schrock, who coached boys’ basketball at Chippewa High School for six seasons with a record of 53-82, filled the position. Now, as basketball season is just about to begin, all eyes move to Coach Schrock to watch how he handles his first season at WHS.
After Moser ultimately decided to step down from his position as the varsity head coach due to the mental and physical strain, Schrock knew right away that he wanted to apply for the open position.
“I knew I wanted to apply because to be able to coach at the school I teach at and is my alma mater has always been something I wanted to do,” Schrock said.
It did not take Schrock much debate to accept the position.
“I took the position because of the ability to live, teach, and coach in the same school district,” Schrock said.
“The opportunity to be able to build relationships with more students and WHS and help them grow as young men.”
During the season, Schrock hopes to put the work in at practice and then have it reflected back onto the court. He wants to create a culture of toughness and hard work throughout the program.
“The most important thing for us is to grow and get better as a team every day,” Schrock said. “We will work and play very hard every day. If we do that we have opportunities to win games and be competitive in our league and then in the tournament.”
Although Schrock has only been with the program for a few short months, he hopes that his dedication has already left an impression on the program and players.
“I hope that I have made an impact on that the players trust me and feel comfortable around me,” Schrock said. “I hope they feel that I truly care about every single one of them and want to see them be successful as a student and athlete.”
Maxx Bosley, who will be a four-time letterman winner after his senior season at WHS, has been under the coaching influence of Moser for the last three years. Now, he has to adjust to Schrock’s coaching and schedule.
“One thing we do differently is that we work out in the morning before school twice a week, which I really like,” Bosley said.
Going into the season, Bosley says that the team is focused on one goal: winning the Suburban League National Conference. Bosley is confident that the team can do this under Schrock’s influence because of his family history.
“Coach Schrock comes from a family of coaches,” Bosley said. “His dad was a winning coach and so is his sister, so being successful runs in his blood.”
Although Schrock has only been with the program for a couple of months, the effect that he has had on the program has already been felt by not only the team but the entire Wadsworth community.
“Coach Schrock is super involved with the youth, so I believe the future is in good hands,” Bosley said. “He has generated a lot of excitement with the younger guys. That’s going to pay off for the program.”