Wadsworth High School is planning on building six new tennis courts on campus grounds in the near future to replace the current ones. Currently the school is waiting to get the permits back from the city, once the permits are obtained, construction can begin.
The school is building new courts due to the current ones seeping water through the cracks on the court.

“All winter long the water freezes underneath and as the water melts in the spring it rises through the cracks and causes the courts to get wet,” said Austin Hanna, a varsity tennis coach at the high school. “They’ve tried over the past few years to fix the drainage and really since 2018.”
Construction will hopefully begin in the early fall however if the permits are not obtained soon enough, construction will have to wait until after winter and will start in the early spring.
The school plans on building the courts in the grass patch located in between the middle school and the school bus drop off parking lot.
“There will be six courts like we have now and set up in a similar way but there will be a walkway in the middle,” said Hanna.
With the new courts being built, Wadsworth will be able to safely host more home matches and events.