Wadsworth High Schools Choir Department brought back their Royal Academy Camp for elementary students grades kindergarten through fourth.

The program was run by WHS choir director Kaylin Davis and Drama Director Debbie Lake along with other choir students who led the camp. The camp lasted for 3 hours, during which time elementary students participated in crafts, learned dances, and taking photos with high school students dressed up as princes and princesses.
This year was the first year that the camp was offered to male elementary school students, whose activities varied from the female students. The boys had an activity station called “Warrior Training”, a dragon craft, and a tattoo station. Where the girls had a hair station, nail painting, and picture frame craft.
“I was really nervous how it would work out because we’ve never done those activities but as soon as they started doing their sword fighting, they all loved it,” said Davis.

Princes have been a part of the character dress-up in previous years, Prince Eric and Prince Charming along with other princes were at the camp. Classical princesses like Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty were also present, along with a few newer princesses like Moana and Rapunzel.
At the end of the camp, the little princes and princesses performed the dance they learned while at camp for their parents. The camp concluded with group pictures with all the characters and elementary students.